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Hayes School
We are committed to ensuring Hayes School is an exceptional school for every child where excellence is standard in all we do.
We believe in excellence - we have a passion to be the best, value every student and believe everyone wants to and can succeed.
We provide excellence - we provide excellent facilities, a curriculum and lessons which motivate and inspire children to achieve and go the extra mile to provide care, support and guidance to our young people. We achieve excellence - students attain highly and make progress whatever their starting point. We celebrate their success and achievements.Our high standards and expectations are reflected in the ‘Hayes Way.’ In developing the ‘Hayes Learner,’ we help our students develop the skills, character and ambition to become outstanding young people able to access opportunities and life chances which would otherwise be closed to them. We want them to become adults of whom you and we are proud; individuals who contribute to and are leaders in the world in which they live.
Steve Whittle Claire Thompson
Hayes School Hayes School
School Contact
Hayes School
West Common Road
Hayes Kent BR2 7DB Telephone: 020 8462 2767Email: postmaster@hayes.bromley.sch.uk Website: www.hayes.bromley.sch.uk